Pure Project Becomes Carbon Regenerative

Pure Project Becomes Carbon Regenerative

Posted by Makenna Barris

4 years ago | December 31, 2020

Estimated Reading Time: 1 minute, 49 seconds

Carbon neutrality has been a goal for us since we started all those years ago down in Costa Rica, and we are happy to announce that dream has come true. Now we can proudly say that Pure Project is not only carbon neutral, but is also become carbon regenerative! 

Climate Neutral CertifiedWe received our Carbon Neutral certification from an organization called Climate Neutral. Through Climate Neutral, we have offset our company’s entire footprint for the year through verified carbon credits which fund projects that reduce emissions around the world (more on that below). 

But we did not stop there. We also went above and beyond the requirements for carbon neutrality, and offset all the carbon for our employee’s individual lives as well, making us a Carbon Regenerative business. While they do not have a “Climate Regenerative” logo for us yet, we felt it was the right thing to do. We want to do more than just get back to zero; we want to be a part of the solution and leave this place better than we found it. (You can read more about our other sustainability efforts over here!)

We offset our entire 2019 carbon footprint by supporting projects that avoid the emission of, or support the removal of, greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. These projects provide other important “co-benefits” as well, such as establishing new sources of income and conserving biodiversity.

The three projects that we supported in 2019 include:

    Harmful methane emissions are prevented from entering the atmosphere by installing gas collection systems at a landfill in Massachusetts. The collected gases are then used to power a generator, providing clean electricity to the local energy grid.

    This project protects and conserves nearly 500,000 acres of tropical rainforests in Northern Brazil. Not only does this project maintain carbon sinks in the region, it helps to preserve biodiversity, prevents erosion, and supports a range of community development initiatives.

    By implementing smart forestry practices, this project in Minnesota improves carbon sequestration over 175,000 acres of mixed native hardwood forest. The project also provides water quality protection and preserved wildlife habitats for rare species.

A sincere THANK YOU to all of you for joining us on this journey. We wouldn’t be able to take these meaningful steps towards addressing our climate impact without your incredible support. For more information about how you can offset your carbon footprint, follow the links below.  

For individuals, visit Cool Effect.

For companies, visit Climate Neutral.


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